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Biofullerene Concentrate C-60

Biofullerene Concentrate C-60

Regular price $80.00 AUD
Regular price $85.00 AUD Sale price $80.00 AUD
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Maximum positive impact on your body

  • Enhance natural energy production
  • Protect and support a healthy immune system
  • Promote a healthy inflammatory response
  • Ensure clear, healthy, youthful looking skin
  • Protect delicate nerves and maintain healthy brain function

Biofullerene helps neutralize dangerous free radicals—turning them into harmless water before they can harm your body

This allows the body to devote more of its energy and resources to producing energy, fortifying the immune system and slowing the effects of again

Nature's perfect solution to longevity: Backed by more than 160 laboratory, in vivo, in vitro and preclinical trials

- Laboratory, in vivo, in vitro and preclinical trials of the molecule that gives Biofullerene its power (called Carbon 60 or C60) reveal dozens of health benefits

Even in ultra-low doses, the C60 in Biofullerene can neutralize damaging free radicals throughout the body. Its unparalleled ability to protect the body from these dangerous molecules allows every system, organ and cell in the body function optimally.

That means just a few drops of Biofullerene a day can have profoundly positive effects on your heart and cardiovascular system… your brain and nervous system… your eyes, liver and kidneys… your hair, skin and nails… and your body's ability to produce lasting natural energy.